Building Bridges - HCI and Visualization


Workshop organization and duration

The intended length of the workshop is one day. Prospective attendees will submit open position papers from their own areas of interest and also provide short answers to two pro forma questions asking for (i) the participant's views on the most important existing knowledge in the area, including a position statement on possible definitions, and (ii) key research challenges related to HCI and Visualization issues. These will form a start point for open-discussions during the workshop.

The first half of the workshop will include:

  • Introduction of the issues that are relevant for this workshop and overview of planned schedule (given by the session organizers)
  • Short self-introductions of participants
  • Short talks of selected attendees

After lunch, we intend to break into groups to brainstorm about common ground, definitions, research agenda, and top 10 research questions. Back into a plenary session we will schedule:

  • Short presentations of the group results
  • Comparing and merging the results
  • Discussions: Lessons learned? Next steps?

After the workshop, all minuted results will be transferred into a summarizing report that will particularly include a first version of a research and development agenda.

Targeted audience

We welcome participants from various backgrounds interested in research and application of HCI and visualization, including designers, artists, researchers in visualization, interaction, psychology, and usability, and people from all application fields.

Expected outcomes

Beside the position papers submitted by the workshop attendances, we will use the already existing HCIV web domain [4] as a starting point for future actions. In parallel to this more or less just informatory media we will start an interactive blog in order to continue the discussions of the workshop. For a better visibility of our actions and progresses made, we will also distribute and discuss them using means of social media like Facebook groups and Twitter. Furthermore, the results of the discussions should form common ground for at least one high-quality conference or journal paper.